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Configuring Core AI enhance
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Fast AI powered video enhance and upscale
Tips and tricks
It is recommended to set Core AI enhance as the first effect, this will render the video enhanced ready for other effects like color correction.
Set Core AI enhance as the first effect
When previewing the video in low resolution, After Effects and Premiere may send a reduced low quality video frame, this may generate artifacts that will not appear when rendering the video.
Previewing the video
Plugin for OFX hosts
Core AI enhance increases video dynamic range, to keep the enhanced video at maximum quality for editing, set the OFX host processing to 32-bit.
Set processing mode to 32 bits.
When editing, OFX hosts may send a low quality image for processing resulting in a low quality render, for correct previewing set your OFX host to maximum quality.
Low quality processing when editing
Core AI enhance configuration is very easy by setting: - The enhance strength - The detail+ mode - The remove grain strength - The temporal strength
The enhance strength can be configured depending on the video quality. The default strength is 1, recommended for most medium and high quality videos. If the video presents artifacts, increase the strength to 2 or 3.
Configuring the enhance strength
The temporal strength minimum and default value is 20, recommended for most videos. Increase the temporal strength value to remove motion artifacts, noise or video fluctuations.
Configuring the temporal strength
The Detail+ mode increases the creation of details, this mode can be activated in all strength modes.
Detail+ mode
If the video presents grain or noise, increase the remove grain strength
Configuring the remove grain strength
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